Plan Ahead to Meet Rising Retirement Healthcare Costs


Protect Your Financial Future by Taking Action Today With healthcare costs on the rise, American retirees must prepare to afford significant health and medical expenses in retirement. While strategizing ways to cover retirement healthcare costs isn’t new, many retirees today are finding themselves without access to the employer- or union-sponsored retiree health benefits that previous generations depended on. This means that Americans who are currently planning for retirement need to be sure they are adequately prepared for the impact that healthcare costs may have on their long-term financial security. Use the tips below to empower yourself to meet future […]

5 Reasons Women Should Plan for Long-Term Care

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Women Face Many Challenges in Retirement and Planning Ahead is Key to Achieve Financial Security As healthcare costs continue to skyrocket, it’s becoming more and more important for American workers to develop a plan for addressing the costs of long-term care within their overall retirement plans. Failing to do so can pose a significant risk to your financial security, and it’s particularly critical for women, who already face extra challenges when it comes to living comfortably in retirement. Below we’ll discuss five specific reasons that women should consider the costs of long-term care when planning for retirement.

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